Three Step #10
A.- Right low front snap kick, move forwards three times. D.- Left walking stance, with X-fist low pressing block, move backwards three times. C.- Jumping double front snap kick with right foot. (Kihap only when doing second kick)
Three Step #9
A.- Right high turning kick, move forward three times. D.- Right L-stance, with knife hand guarding block, move forwards backwards three times. C.- Jumping double turning kick (Kihap only when doing second kick)
Three Step #8
A.- Right high side piercing kick, move forward three times. D.- Right walking stance, with right outer forearm inward block, move backwards three times. C.- Right jumping side piercing kick.
Three Step #7
A.- Left L-stance with right punch, and move forward three times. D.- Right L-stance, with left outer forearm inward block, and move backwards three times. C.- Left side piercing kick, then move the left foot to the right (45 o) and right high turning kick to the temple. (Kihap when doing turning kick only)
Three Step #6
A.- Right high side piercing kick, move forward three times, then as you step your right foot down execute a twin straight forearmblock in sitting stance. D.- Left L-stance, with forearm guarding block, and move backwards three times. C.- Left reverse turning kick.
Three Step #5
A.- Left L-stance, with right knife hand strike, move forward three times. D.- Left L-stance, with knife hand guarding block, move backwards three times. C.- Right middle side piercing kick.
Three Step #4
A.- Right walking stance, with right high punch, move forward three times. D.- Left walking stance, with left high rising block, move backwards three times. C.- Right high punch – Stationary.
Three Step #3
A.- Left L-stance with right middle punch, and move forward three times. D.- Right L-stance with left inner forearm block and move backwards three times. C.- Slide your left foot in as you withdraw your left arm to your belt, then slide the left foot forward making a proper L-stance and executing a left fingertip […]
Three Step #2
A.- Start with right low front snap kick and move forward three times, landing in proper walking stance after each kick D.- Left walking stance with left outer forearm low block and move backwards three times. C.- Left low front snap kick.
Three Step #1
A.- Start with right walking stance, right middle punch, and move forward three times. D.- Left walking stance with left inner forearm block, and move forwards three times. C.- Right reverse punch – stationary